BONUS: Living The Diferente Life.

My guest episode on Cafe Con Pam Podcast.

You can Subscribe to DIFERENTE and listen to this episode on apple podcasts, Google Play, Spotify, Stitcher and TuneIN.

Doug and Maribel

Doug and Maribel

This episode is from a podcast that I was a guest on called Cafe con Pam, hosted by my friend and fellow podcaster, Pam Covarrubias. I wanted to share it with you because it fits perfectly with the spirit of getting out of my comfort zone, which I have been all about this summer.

Pam and I talked about my childhood in Mexico, my journey as an immigrant in the United States, the meaning of love, and other things that I haven't shared before. 

Stay tuned for season dos of DIFERENTE!

That's right, I'm on break. We all need time to reflect and refresh!

If you miss me too much, come hang with me on Instagram or Twitter @Maribel_QS.

¡Hasta pronto!


144: Frida Kahlo Meets Carrie Bradshaw.


143: When comfort & stability hold you back.