152: LATINA FURY. The Five Keys To My Meditation Journey

The Five Keys To My Meditation Journey

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Maribel Meditating

Maribel Meditating

One of the coolest things I've learned from another culture is how to meditate. Meditation was never part of my life as a child in Mexico, or even as a teenager in Ohio. I discovered it later in life, when I was struggling to figure out how to "tone down" my Latina fury-a title I gave to my reactionary personality back then. Little did I know that it wasn't a matter of appeasing anything, but re-directing my energy, becoming more mindful meant practicing not only how to process emotions better, but how to be kind to myself and others. Years later I realized that I didn't need to tone down anything, I just had to get to know myself better in order to focus my energy correctly.

As a Latina, it took me a long time to realize that there's NOTHING wrong with having a passionate, fiery, or "sassy" outlook, and meditation helped me discover this, and so much more!

That's why I love learning about meditation and sharing the gift of mindfulness with others.

Feel free to use this meditation playlist I curated to help get you on your way:


Latina media producer and curiosity expert Maribel Quezada Smith brings you the bilingual podcast, DIFERENTE. Where we celebrate and explore the complexities of living life between two (or more) cultures. Learn, grow and be inspired by stories and interviews about cultural identity, questioning the norm, and becoming empowered, among other topics that relate to the bicultural experience.


Producer, Maribel Quezada Smith
Editor: Julian Rodriguez
Diferente theme music by Andres Sierra


153: WHAT ARE YOU? Exploring biracial identity. With Cheyenne Woods


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