122: Access & Education. How to build your legacy.

How to build your legacy. With, Dr. Rosalind Fuse-Hall

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Dr. Rosalind Fuse-Hall - Photo credit, Bennett College

Dr. Rosalind Fuse-Hall - Photo credit, Bennett College

"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." - Aristotle

This is the fifth installment in our Access podcast series, and this week we’re discussing Access & Education, with Dr. Rosalind Fuse-Hall. A former staff attorney for the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, who also has 25 years of experience in higher education, and most recently served as the President of Bennett College, a private four-year historically black, liberal arts college for women in Greensboro, NC.

Dr. Fuse-Hall and I discussed some of the ways to make education more accessible and affordable. I know that’s one of the biggest gripes of our generation! She also shares her thoughts on the role that non-traditional institutions have on making higher education more attainable, as well as the importance of doing your research before choosing a school and weighing debt versus future gains.


As you know, I am a research nut! So below is some interesting information I found to give you some perspective on this whole rising cost of education debate.

Current student loan interest rates:

Seven Ways to get through grad school debt free:

Why College isn’t worth the money:


123: Access & Networking. How to never waste an opportunity.


121: Access & Representation. How to grow through discourse.