114: Lessons, Not Losses. How to persevere through adversity.

Lessons, Not Losses. How to persevere through adversity. With Christian Heavens

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Christian Heavens. Photo by Warren Marketing

Christian Heavens. Photo by Warren Marketing

PERSEVERANCE - steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.

It’s easier to hide behind inaction for fear of failing or being embarrassed when you fail. But without the experience of falling and having the courage to get up again, we would never accomplish anything past ordinary. Remember what I said on episode 101? I said this show is for people who want to make an impact… And when you decide to make an impact, you must be prepared to face trying times… that’s where perseverance comes in.


My guest in this episode of Diferente is Christian Heavens, a guy who embodies the meaning of perseverance. Christian is a professional golfer, who’s spent the greater part of his 20’s on a rollercoaster ride of wins and losses, as he continues his journey to earn the chance to play on the PGA tour. He’s one of the nicest, most genuine people out there, and I’m so excited to share his story with you!

Trust me, we can all learn from Christian’s perspective and the lessons that have shaped the guy he is today. He reminds us how to stay positive through the inevitable hardships that come our way in life.

Check out episode 114 for the full story and lessons in perseverance!

Connect with Christian on Instagram @i_am7heavens


115: When life hands you cancer. How to live without regrets.


113: Let’s be real! How to succeed at dating.