115: When life hands you cancer. How to live without regrets.

When life hands you cancer. How to live without regrets. With Shawn Boxe

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Shawn Boxe

My guest in this episode of Diferente, is a great example of how to live without regrets.

His name is Shawn Boxe and he is a screenwriter originally from Windsor, Ontario, Canada, now living in LA.

He’s written for HBO's Emmy nominated show, Silicon Valley and is currently a co-producer on BET's upcoming new show, Boomerang.

Shawn is living every moment with mucho gusto and passion for who and what he loves. This is an inspiring story from a former tech guy who took a risk, changed careers, and is now living his purpose. All while literally fighting for his life and not sweating the small stuff.

Learn more about Shawn's beginnings as a screenwriter here, or watch his debut Pilot, BLEACH, produced by Issa Rae.


116: Story of a Dreamer. How to rebuild your life when you get kicked out of your country.


114: Lessons, Not Losses. How to persevere through adversity.