126: CREATE YOUR OPPORTUNITY! How to fake it til you make it.

How to fake it til you make it. With Ervin Ross

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Actor and life ninja Ervin Ross

Actor and life ninja Ervin Ross

This episode is all about the struggle of chasing a dream and the opportunities that come when you’re down and out. Just when you feel like the journey is over, and you’re ready to give it all up. Because the pain from continuing the chase feels impossible and it is no longer worth it.

My guest this episode is my friend, Ervin Ross. Ervin and I go WAYYY back. And when we had a chance to sit down while I was in LA, we talked about his experience in pursuing his passion for the arts as an actor.

Ervin talks about something that is VERY familiar to many of us, learning to adapt and code switch between cultures without losing your unique personality.

Ironically, Ervin spent much of his childhood trying really hard not to stick out but his uniqueness eventually led him to his career today! Sound familiar?

This funny man is a ninja at life and a great example of what life looks like when you don’t waste opportunities. And when the opportunities don't present themselves, Ervin likes to create his own.


Produced by Maribel Quezada Smith
Editor, Ricardo Pujol
Production Assistant, Paola Chueca
Original Music by Keagan Stromberg - Check out his track "Silent Killers"


127: DO I LOOK FAT? How to reclaim & love your body.


125: THIS IS ME! Who is Maribel Quezada Smith?